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Jordan Kruk

What is the truth?

Only for the serious individual...

Andrew Tate Indoctrinated Me7 min read

I was indoctrinated by Andrew Tate and that’s not his fault, that’s on me.

I believed everything he said.

Maybe not at first…

But eventually…


Having 4 wives is ‘good’.

Having 27 supercars is ‘good’.

Practicing martial arts is ‘good’.

The Western countries are ‘bad’.

Having an army of children is ‘good’.


These aren’t true.


“The primary cause of disorder in ourselves is the seeking of reality promised by another”
~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

By the way, if you’re new here, I am Jordan, 23 years old.

Did over $4.5M in Revenue.

Hired over 50 people.


And found out that these things actually do not matter.

What matters to me is the truth.


And this is the truth: I let myself be indoctrinated by Andrew Tate.


The truth is that 99% of people who watch him are falling for the same trap.

And it’s not even about HIM specifically.

Jordan Peterson, Iman Gazi, Oprah Winfrey, whoever it is, it doesn’t matter.


Everyone is basically listening to podcasts, watching YouTube videos, reading books WITHOUT A FILTER.


What kind of filter, you may ask?

I would call it a filter of truth.


“Intelligence is dangerous.
Intelligence means you will start thinking on your own; you will start looking around on your own.
You will not believe in the scriptures; you will believe only in your own experience.”

~ Osho

Because do you really want 4 wives, 27 cars, or even one supercar?

Do you want a big mansion or expensive watch?

I think you do.

I did.

But do we know why?

Do we know why we want these?


What is happening at the moment you see someone else online with all these things?

You didn’t want it before…

But now you do…



What is really happening?


Is it the idea that getting that stuff, that Lamborghini or house, is it the idea that THAT will give you what you are looking for? Which could be a happy feeling. Or a feeling of importance. A better feeling? That you expect it will make you feel better than right now?


Could it be that THAT is the reason why you want it? Just for the feeling you expect to feel?


“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”
~ J. Krishnamurti

That the moment you see Andrew Tate with all his cars, that there is an image created where you see yourself having that and that you imagine yourself in his position?


Because you know it is possible.

Some people may feel like it’s way more possible than others.

But to everyone, they know it is possible for them.

So they can imagine themselves being in that position.


It seems also like we have a weak point inside of us.

It seems like that filter that I was talking about, which I will explain later in this letter.

It seems like that filter is dropped even lower when we are watching a famous person or a rich person.


“Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed.
Borrowed from those who have no idea of who they are themselves.”
~ Osho

And this is why I was indoctrinated by Andrew Tate.


He had things that I wanted: the cars, the house, the Rolex, blah blah blah.

More so, he probably had the status, especially amongst men.

That made me listen even more so without a filter.

Basically accepting his words as true.


Not just listening, I mean you can listen to him or anyone, but I was listening TRYING TO LEARN, and I started to adopt his beliefs.


This is really dangerous.


“The authority of a belief imposed by religion surely destroys the discovery of reality.
One relies on authority because one is afraid to stand alone.
Any acceptance of authority is the very denial of truth.”
~ J. Krishnamurti

Exposure is extremely powerful.

What is exposure?


Well, I’m sure you’ve heard of the quote, 

“You become the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”


It even reminds me of Bruce Lee where he is talking about the water becoming the cup.


And to best understand what I mean with exposure is to just look at your own life.

That is the best way to really see this for yourself.


I don’t know you, but who did you spend a lot of time with the last years?

What do they do?

And did you start doing that as well?


What did they not do?

And did you stop doing that?


Who did they talk to?

What kind of words did they use?

Maybe you use those words as well…


Are they religious?

Did you start to look into religion?


Do they have a Netflix subscription?

And now you do as well?


I can continue…

The truth is this: 


Virtually everyone is becoming the same as the people and things they expose themselves to regularly for a long enough time.



Who can listen with a filter of truth ALL THE TIME?



“To transform the world, we must begin with ourselves,
And what is important in beginning with ourselves is the intention.
The intention must be to understand ourselves and not to leave it to others to transform themselves or to bring about a modified change through revolution, either of the left or of the right.”
~ J. Krishnamurti

I am not talking about good or bad.

But most people look at everything this way subconsciously.

Maybe see Andrew Tate smoking a cigar or talking about this.

You think, “Is this good for me? Should I do this as well? It may increase my testosterone”.


It’s not about this.

It’s not about ‘what is good or bad for you’.


The central question of this truth filter is perhaps: What is the truth?

When you are listening to someone, that THAT question is top of mind…

When I started to listen and watch through this filter, I mean, it’s crazy how little stuff is true.

Automatically I stopped watching a lot of things, a lot of people, because there is so much untrue.


You are probably reading this without much of a filter.

Maybe a higher level of filter because…

…I’ve only done 4.5 million dollars in revenue.

…I’m not whoever you aspire to be.

…I’m not Andrew Tate. 


But on a long enough time frame, you will subconsciously start to believe the books, the influencers, the podcasts, the TikToks.


EVEN though at first you KNOW they aren’t true.


They start to become you.

This is absolutely true.

Just look at your own life.


Perhaps this is the best cure for a YouTube addiction, TikTok addiction, or social media addiction…Because there are very, very few people left to listen to.


This being said, the people you look up to, speak absolute truths.

There is a lot of truth to find online, whether it’s in books or on podcasts or videos.

Some may have a higher density of truth within their book or within their 15-minute YouTube video, and some might have nothing of truth to say.


But there is virtually no one who wants to know the truth…more than anything else.

Therefore, they may say something that is absolutely true, but it doesn’t matter because a lot of stuff they say isn’t true and you are left with some true beliefs and a lot of false beliefs.



Can you stop believing others?

And just find out what’s true for yourself?


“Acquiring knowledge is a form of imitation.”
~ J. Krishnamurti

It’s up to the individual, up to you to listen with this filter.

But these things happen very subtly, and with these things, I mean the lies, the illusions.

Sometimes they are very obvious like a crocodile in front of you, you SEE IT COMING.

But most of the time they are like snakes.

It’s easy to defend yourself against the crocodile.

It’s in front of you, they are not that fast, you can run away, you see it coming…

But how about the snake next to you, camouflaged in the bushes?

You don’t see it, it’s next to you and it is extremely poisonous.


The snakes are the implications.

This is not directly saying, “Four wives is good.”

This is implying it is good.

This is not saying you should practice martial arts.

This is implying through even body language that it is good for you.


Could it be that virtually everything you are doing in your life you are doing because you think it is good for you?


I am not saying this is bad.

I am actually saying the opposite.

Can you ask a different question?

NOT what is good or what is bad for you.


But what is the truth?

I know this sounds vague to people who are new to this, who are new to my work.


But the truth may be the only thing of importance in life.


And don’t believe me, just ask yourself if it is worth living a life working hard, getting things, buy things that you think are good for you, only to find out that when you have them they do not give you any satisfaction for longer than maybe a minute, an hour, a day, or a week. Before you find something else that you think is good for you. And that this cycle repeats until you die. Then is this the life you have lived. With a lot of pain, struggle, and things you don’t like doing in the meantime…


All for some temporary moments of satisfaction.


The moment when you can get your keys for the Lambo…

Or open the door of your new house…

Or share the bed with the type of woman you always dreamt of.


“You wander from room to room.
Hunting for the diamond necklace.
That is already around your neck!”
~ Rumi

Then what is there, you may ask?

What is there left?

Maybe now some of the cracks reveal themselves.

The cracks in your lives, the illusions, the beliefs that aren’t true.


But the truth is often layers deep.

You may have got a glimpse of it while reading.

If you want to learn more about it, you may watch this video next.


So what is the truth here?

I’ve let myself be indoctrinated by Andrew Tate. 

Probably just like you have let yourself be indoctrinated by people you think highly of.

Maybe it’s Alex Hormozi, maybe it’s Jordan Peterson, maybe it’s Marcus Aurelius, maybe it’s Oprah Winfrey, maybe it’s Cristiano Ronaldo, maybe it’s Elon Musk.


Again, some may speak truth more often than others, but virtually no one is looking for it.

And you are probably not looking through this filter.

So by watching them, you are being indoctrinated, which isn’t bad, just the truth.

And it’s not good to steer away from this, to turn the ship.

It will happen without deciding to the serious person who reads this.


So the question may be…are you serious?


Knowing, hearing that you could be living your life in illusions, in lies, but now ignoring it?


Talk soon


Here’s my poem about the essence of this video.


Indoctrinated by Andrew Tate (Poem)

In English young men say: “Andrew Tate is an example”


In poetry we say:

We listen, we watch, we absorb, 

The words of those we admire.

Their truths become our truths, 

Their desires, our own desire. 

But what if we pause and ask, 

Is this really what I need? 

Are these cars and wives and wealth, 

Just illusions that mislead? 

The truth, it hides in layers deep, 

Not in others, but in you, 

Filter out the noise and hype, 

Seek what’s genuine and true. 

For in the end, what matters most, 

Is not what others say is right. 

But what you find when you look within, 

Your own truth, your passion bright. 

So question, seek, and dare to be, 

The one who thinks and stands alone. 

For only then can you be free…


No longer an ‘Andrew Tate clone’.


You can watch the full message here (when released):

PS: If you want to work personally with me one-on-one, physically, or virtually, then you can email me ([email protected]). But I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.


Who is Jordan kruk?

Did $4.5M+ in Revenue.
Hired 50+ People.

To find out these don’t matter to me.
What I care about is the truth.

It is the only thing that WORKS.

PS: My work is only for serious people.
The unserious stops reading here.

Private Counseling

If you want to work with me in private one-on-one, physically or virtually…

You can ⁠email⁠ me.
Or schedule a call here.

I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.