There may be a point in your life when you are in a hospital bed.
Maybe 80 years old.
And you can’t stop thinking.
Thinking about what you could have done.
And as you’re laying in that bed, you may not be able to eat anymore.
You may get fed through a tube in your body.
You may not hear anymore.
And maybe.
Just maybe.
You can’t even see anymore.
What is certain?
That there will be a point where you can’t do what you are able to do TODAY.
Can you die to your beliefs?
Can you die to your beliefs today, right now?
All of the illusions you live in…
It is certain that 99.99999% who read this, have not yet realized how many illusions they live in.
It’s crazy.
When you think you have found it, you have not even found a glimpse of it.
So will you keep delaying until you no longer can?
Is it a decision?
Or is it not a decision and just a point where you can’t take it any longer?
On your deathbed, truth will say, how much of life did you truly play?
You may see all of the illusions you are living in.
When you do, you may start to understand the truth about yourself, the truth about your life.
Which can be very painful.
But from that, you can find a way back to your heart.
And now consciously ‘create’ the illusion of purpose and do the things you ‘actually’ want to do.
That one thing you would say on your deathbed, that you wish you would have done.
That you are now so AWAKE to reality.
That there is a gap between you and the illusions.
So you can create the illusion of purpose.
The idea of becoming a billionaire…
The idea of becoming a superstar…
The idea of becoming a professional athlete…
But without feeling the pain, the struggle.
Continuing the soap opera in bliss.
Do you want to wake up?
Not knowing what it will cost you…
Not knowing what it will ‘get’ you…
I wonder why the snooze button is so big on the iPhone…
Are you willing to feel the pain today?
The pain of realizing how many illusions and lies, you live in.
Everything you think you know…
Even the things you know for certain…
Are not true.
Every certainty you hold might be an illusion.
Are you willing to feel that pain today?
So you may never feel pain again.
The pain that would end all pain.
Would you take it?
Perhaps that’s the question.
Talk soon
View from the bed ~ Poem
When you’re lying in that hospital bed,
At 80 years old, looking at the life you’ve led.
Will you regret the things not done,
The chances lost, the race not run?
Your eyes will close, the world will fade,
And all that’s left are choices made.
Can you let go of beliefs held tight,
Face the illusions that cloud your sight?
Will you wake up, not knowing the cost?
Or stay in slumber, forever lost?
To feel the pain that ends all pain,
To see the truth and break the chain,
Would you take it, this chance to be free,
To live a life of true clarity?
That’s the question, the choice you face,
To live in truth or stay asleep, your comfy place,
Will you regret the life you’ve led,
When you’re lying in that hospital bed?
Watch The Full Message here (when released):
PS: If you want to work personally with me one-on-one, physically, or virtually, then you can email me ([email protected]) or schedule a call here. But I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.