How do you build a profitable personal brand from scratch, FAST?
Not to make $100,000 in ONE month 3 years from now…
But to make $5,000/month in PROFIT ASAP.
So you can work less, but earn more.
And above all make less sacrifices.
Because if I’ve found 1 thing to be absolutely true in life it is this:
The BEST life is the one with the LEAST amount of compromises.
Here are 9 truths that I’ve found after:
• Gaining 7,270 subscribers on YouTube
• Getting 1,122,558+ views on 1 video
• Doing $4,500,000+ in revenue
• Hiring over 50 people
1. The “Goodwill” Fallacy (from Alex Hormozi)
“Give everything away for free”
“Give in public, sell in private…”
“Give away the information, sell the implementation”
Alex Hormozi is a wise man. He has proven to do “effective” things.
But should you “believe” him? All “beliefs” have consequences, my friend.
If you focus on goodwill, you may build goodwill with the “wrong” people.
You “hope” some of them will buy during your future, someday product launch.
My question to you:
“Why HOPE for people to MAYBE buy a product you build 1-3 years from now if you can KNOW who wants to pay you NOW for something you ALREADY have?”
May you focus on your bank account, not your follower count.
More clarity here.
2. Art VS Money (and Freedom)
Let’s be real: what do you really want MORE? Financial freedom or creating art at your parent’s basement?
I’m not judging here. I’m not pushing you into one direction. Ask yourself honestly, what it is you desire more…
Though I’ve done and still do create “art”.
It’s smarter to achieve financial freedom first, then focus on art without financial pressure.
“Money may not buy happiness, but I’d rather cry in a Lambo than on a bus.” ~ Françoise Sagan
“Profitable content may not come from art, but I’d rather make art later in a penthouse than making videos in my parent’s basement for the rest of my life” ~ Jordan “Doing Things in the Right Order” Kruk
3. Hope VS Knowing
Don’t build your personal brand on hope.
Build it on truth.
You’ll make more money.
You’re training your audience to expect everything for nothing.
Guess what you’ll get…
Get clear now, make money asap, and build an audience of “serious people”.
4. Alex Hormozi’s Bias
Do you have $50,000,000+ liquid?
I ask, because Alex Hormozi HAD when he SWITCHED to “giving everything away for free”…
BUT he made his “freedom money” by selling. And oh boy did he sell a lot before you knew him.
Like everyone, Alex Hormozi is biased.
He cares about becoming a Billionaire.
To become a Billionaire, *NOT selling for years, may be the better strategy.
My 2 questions for you:
1. “Do you really want to become a billionaire?”
2. “Can you afford to NOT earn money from your personal brand for YEARS?”
Content creation without monetization is just an expensive hobby.
At some point you will monetize, right?
Building “goodwill” with the “wrong” people has consequences…
May you build goodwill with the “right” people.
5. Goodwill through Sales
Goodwill isn’t built just by giving everything away free.
It’s built by providing immense value, free or paid.
Most “value” however is found in “achieving” one’s desire.
Free stuff is used to “consume”.
Paid stuff is used to “produce”.
Producers make money.
Silly billy’s make notes.
6. External Validation = The Bottleneck
Making money involves selling something.
Selling something for even $1 might attract negativity.
BUT from who?
What matters more to you? Public praise from “silly billy’s” OR profit AND private praise for “serious billy’s?
Even Alex Hormozi who gave away everything for free for years, received and receives negativity.
🔴 Fear of negative comments
🟡 Realizing serious people don’t comment
🟢 Focusing on profit instead of praise from silly billy’s
Silly billy’s want to comment.
Serious people want to buy.
Focus on the latter.
The richest creators aren’t the most famous. They’re the most effective.
Get effective here.
7. Proof of concept
Who’s more likely to “make it”?
Someone earning $5,000/month profit in 6 months from now…
Or someone with a viral 1,000,000 video 6 months from now…
I got a million viewed video quickly after posting for a few months consistently on a new channel.
Viral videos are nice, but consistent income is paradise.
The best personal brand is the one that pays the bills with the least amount of sacrifice.
May you stop losing money.
8. Content Ability vs Content Profitability
YouTubers: check out my viral video
Bank account: check out my “brokenness”
Are you prioritizing virality over profitability?
Guess what you’ll get…
Every video has a “viral ceiling”.
It is the maximum amount of views a video CAN get IF it goes viral.
“How to create YouTube thumbnails for FREE?”
Viral Ceiling ± 1,500,000 views
“How to create YouTube thumbnails like Iman Gadzhi with “the most rigged paid subscription tool” Photoshop”
Viral Ceiling ± 10,000 views
But which one attracts “serious people”?
When the “right content” meets the “right people” one is only 50 views away from financial freedom.
Truth + Strategy → Serious People = $
9. The Problem with Virality (that nobody sees)
Virality targets the masses.
Are the masses typically wealthy?
You’re smart enough to answer that question yourself…
For profit with the least amount of sacrifices, targeting a smaller, more serious audience may be more effective.
Virality has trade-offs.
Viral topics often don’t resonate with high-paying customers.
You may get views, but little profit. What do you want?
Don’t be a starving artist.
Fund your purpose.
You’re only a 1,000 people away from the life you dream of.
May you stop dreaming and arrive there asap.
Talk soon
~ Jordan “the infamous, but effective creator” Kruk