Jordan Kruk

What is the truth?

Only for the serious individual...

This is Boring, But You’ll Hit 1,000 Subscribers Fast2 min read

How do you get 1,000 subscribers, FAST?

Here is one of the MOST effective truth that I’ve found after:

• Gaining 7,270+ subscribers on YouTube
• Getting 1,123,055+ views on 1 video
• Doing $4,500,000+ in revenue
• Hiring over 50 people

This strategy is something nobody is talking about (just like this):

Narrow your niche to widen your reach.
Just do it the “clever way”.

Silly Billy doesn’t think outside the box, he posts all his content on 1 account.

Don’t be Silly Billy…

Look at your content as a garden.
Plant each seed in its own account, and watch how they grow WITHOUT competing for the same sunlight.

🔴 The Silly Billy:

→ Has 1 YouTube/Instagram account
→ Is a human, and likes to talk about different topics
→ Posts videos about all his different sub-niches into 1 channel
→ Limits his videos from getting more reach, because he doesn’t understand the algorithms

🟢 The Clever Billy:

→ Has 2, 3, or even 12 YouTube/Instagram accounts
→ Is a different species, but also likes to talk about different topics
→ Posts videos about all his different sub-niches onto the right, very specific account
→ His videos have the potential to now reach their natural viral ceiling because he USES the algorithms

Be like Clever Billy…

Algorithms don’t like it when you post about different topics.

Here’s what happens:

  1. Your video about topic A gets traction
  2. Let’s say it gets 10,000 views and 200 subscribers
  3. Your next video about topic B gets 100 views
  4. Why? Because your 200 subscribers don’t care about B (they want A)
  5. You’ve placed an “artificial ceiling” on your videos about topic B…
  6. AND now have a “mixed audience” making videos about A doing worse as well.

Diversify your accounts, not your content.

The Power of Separate Channels

Create an account for every topic you’re interested in.

This approach allows you to:

  • Focus on the sub-niche/account that makes you the most money
  • Stop procrastinating, because YOU are the niche
  • Never confuse the algorithm

The Algorithm Box

Algorithms put your channel inside a box based on:

  • Your titles
  • Your thumbnails
  • Your transcript and other metadata

When you talk about different topics on one channel, you reach very different people. 


  1. Labrador owners watch your “Best food for my labrador” video and 200 subscribe
  2. 72 hours later…Labrador owners see your “How I groom my poodle” video and don’t care (don’t click)
  3. Poodle owners watch your “How I groom my poodle” video and 100 subscribe
  4. You now have a mixed audience of 200 Labrador owners and 100 Poodle owners
  5. Your next video will NEVER do as well as it COULD, because you’re a silly billy…

My Experiment: Same Video, Different Results

I’ve run an experiment that proves this concept:

❌ Video on channel with 389 mixed-audience: 169 views
✅ Very similar video on a “primed” channel with 3 subscribers: 1,034 views

Same video, different channel, wildly different results.
It’s NOT about what you say, but WHERE you say it.

These are the results for ONE video.
I’ve tested this for 6 months for HUNDREDS of videos.

Why This Works

  1. YouTube pushes your content to a significant portion of your subscribers first
  2. Higher CTR % (and other engagement metrics) is the result of the “clever billy” approach

The algorithm doesn’t hate diversity, it craves clarity.
Give it what it wants, and it’ll give you what you need.

“You Are The Niche!?!”

Silly Billy:

  • Procrastinates
  • Stuck in one niche
  • Believes what big YouTubers say without questioning

Clever Billy:

  • Creates consistently
  • Free to explore multiple niches
  • Experiments and finds out what works

I mean where would you rather eat if you’re looking for some Chinese food?

→ Menu Restaurant A: 1) Asian Beef 2) Dutch sprouts 3) German Schnitzel
→ Menu Restaurant B: 1) Chinese Beef 2) Chinese Dumplings 3) Chinese Noodles

Takeaway: IF you want to create about different topics AND BECOME “the niche”, make a channel for every interest.
USE the algorithms or they will AB*USE YOU.

🔴 Stop trying to please everyone with one channel.
🟢 Start pleasing the right someone with each channel.

The Truth About Subscribers and Money

Here’s a big truth about money that goes against what most creators tell you:

The secret to viral videos isn’t more followers, it’s more accounts.

You don’t need more subscribers. You need more specific subscribers.

To make money ASAP, you need to:

  1. Know the profitable topics
  2. Pinpoint money-generating content
  3. Target serious people who you KNOW convert into customers

May you stop losing money and stop wasting time on creating good content about the wrong stuff.

Remember: you’re only 1,000 of the right people away from reaching freedom from money.

May you do less of the wrong stuff, my friend.

~ Jordan the profit, not famous” Kruk


Who is Jordan kruk?

Did $4.5M+ in Revenue.
Hired 50+ People.

To find out these don’t matter to me.
What I care about is the truth.

It is the only thing that WORKS.

PS: My work is only for serious people.
The unserious stops reading here.

Private Counseling

If you want to work with me in private one-on-one, physically or virtually…

You can ⁠email⁠ me.
Or schedule a call here.

I only work with someone to whom money is not a problem and who is serious.